The website of your ophthalmologist in Brabant Wallon 

Grand'Place 32

1370 Jodoigne

010 56 00 02

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L’ectropion correspond à un retournement du bord libre de la paupière vers l’extérieur (« éversion » de la paupière), entraînant une perte de contact entre œil et la paupière.

The causes can be diverse:

  • Ectropion involutif: occurring due to tissue changes (progressive laxity) related to aging.
  • Ectropion paralytique: secondary to facial paralysis, related to certain myopathies, etc.
  • Cicatricial entropion: following burns or certain diseases (such as trachoma, etc.).
  • The treatment for ectropion is surgical and involves the correct repositioning of the eyelid tissues.