The website of your ophthalmologist in Brabant Wallon 

Grand'Place 32

1370 Jodoigne

010 56 00 02

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Strabismus (Cross-eyed)

Strabismus is characterised by the fact that the eyes (one or both) can turn inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards. It is also known as ‘wandering eye’ or ‘strabismus’.

Children over the age of six months can have a common form of squint that comes and goes. This type of squint may be normal but requires an ophthalmological examination.

Some children are born with strabismus, but it can also be the result ofpoor muscle strength in the eyes.

Signs and symptoms of strabismus can include a child with squinty eyes, an inability to judge distance and pick up objects correctly, closing one eye to see better or dizziness.

Le diagnostic précoce du problème sous-jacent est essentiel afin de prévenir la perte de vision. Le traitement du strabisme peut se faire de plusieurs façons: cacher l’œil plus fort afin d’augmenter la vision et encourager le développement de l’œil plus faible, le port de lunettes, des gouttes, une chirurgie pour redresser les yeux, ou enfin des exercices de « gymnastiques » oculaires.


Presbyopia is a development that can be explained by the increasing difficulty or inability to see things up close as a person ages.

Soudainement, on ne peut plus lire le journal ou les cartes de restaurant qu’en les tenant à bout de bras et au prix d’un effort et de fatigue visuelle.

The eye'scrystalline lens is a kind of lens that enables us to focus and bring objects into image focus. Unfortunately, from the age of 40 onwards, the crystalline lens loses its flexibility and no longer bulges sufficiently to bring objects into focus.

L’œil ne perçoit plus de façon nette et précise les objets de près. Les images sont floues. L’image de près se forme à l’arrière de la rétine. Ce qui conclut à une difficulté croissante à voir de près. 


The astigmatic sees objects distorted since light rays are only partially focused on the retina, only part of the image is projected onto it. Astigmatism may be isolated or associated with myopia or hyperopia.

Astigmatism is corrected by flattening the most cambered cornea, and/or cambering the flattest part, in order to obtain a perfectly round cornea.

Cela peut commencer dès l’enfance ou à l’âge adulte et une correction peut facilement être faite si elle est à l’origine des problèmes de vue. Certains signes et symptômes de l’astigmatisme peuvent être des maux de tête, une fatigue oculaire, la difficulté à lire, et la fatigue.

Selon la gravité, des lunettes ou des lentilles de contact peuvent être nécessaires. La chirurgie réfractive par laser peut permettre de corriger l’astigmatisme jusqu’à 5 dioptries.

Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

L’hypermétropie est souvent caractérisée par un œil trop « court ». La vision est plus flou de près que de loin.

Présent très tôt, elle se corrige parfois spontanément avec la croissance de l’enfant.

Si elle persiste à l’âge adulte, il est possible de rendre la cornée plus cambrée en corrigeant l’hypermétropie par laser.

Hyperopia can be corrected with glasses, lenses or refractive surgery which moves the projection of the image on the retina forward in order to get a sharp view.

There are multiple signs and symptoms, including: permanent Strabismus or only when the child is tired which leads to eye rubbing, lack of interest in school with handwriting leaning over the table, the child holds books too close to their face leading to nausea after reading.


The consequence of a chalazion is inflammation caused by the blockage of the drainage duct of a Meibomian gland, located inside the upper and/or lower eyelid.

This then manifests as a small bump on the eyelid, which can grow in size and may become red, painful, with a sensation of heat over the course of several days.

Typically, a chalazion disappears after a few weeks, and in this case, there are no medical consequences. A chalazion is not contagious.

Stye and chalazion

Even though a stye is also a bump in the eyelid caused by the obstruction of a sebaceous gland, a chalazion is not a stye. A stye represents an acute infection of the gland. A chalazion is not an infection but rather an inflammation of the area. Inflammation is a process in which the body reacts to a condition and produces swelling, redness, pain, or heat. A stye is usually more painful than a chalazion and may appear infected.

Un chalazion est provoqué par l’huile de la glande de Meibomius qui devient trop épaisse pour s’écouler hors de la glande. L’huile s’accumule alors dans la glande et forme une boule dans la paupière. La paroi de la glande peut se briser, ce qui libère l’huile dans le tissu de la paupière, provoquant alors une inflammation des tissus et même parfois des cicatrices.

Medical Treatment

Le traitement d’un chalazion peut comprendre les éléments suivants :

L’application de compresses chaudes pendant cinq à dix minutes, quatre fois par jour, afin de réduire l’œdème et de favoriser le drainage de la glande.

A medical prescription for antibiotic drops or ointments if a bacterial infection is suspected.

Rarely, an injection of a steroid medication into the area of the bump (the chalazion) to help reduce inflammation.

If a chalazion causes significant symptoms or lasts for several weeks, it may be necessary to remove it surgically. If the appearance of the chalazion bothers the patient, surgical removal may also be performed.

In the case of multiple chalazia or recurrent chalazia, the possibility that the patient may have a generalized condition affecting the sebaceous glands should be considered. This is the case with rosacea: this condition can be treated long-term with oral medication to alter the consistency of the oils produced by the glands.

Resting Glasses: Who Needs Them? 

Il faut tout d’abord avoir consulté un médecin ophtalmologue afin de s’assurer que vous n’ayez pas de pathologies oculaires sous jacentes sérieuses (hypertension oculaire, pathologie évolutive, rétine, glaucome…)

Si vous ou votre enfant présentez, parfois ou même souvent, un de ces signes c’est que vous avez peut être besoin de lunettes.

NB: In all cases, if the problems persist after 2 months, despite appropriate and well-worn optical correction, it is advisable to consult a neurologist.

  • Maux de tête : plutôt frontales, surtout après une lecture prolongée, en fin de journée, après les écrans.
  • Eye rubbing, dry eyes, heaviness and tiredness.
  • Your child is getting very close to screens, close reading.
  • You may be hypermetropic and/or astigmatic.

Chez l’enfant, il est fortement conseillé de vérifier au moins 1 fois dans le suivi, sa réfraction après avoir mis des gouttes cycloplégiantes (qui bloquent l’accommodation quelques heures).

Cet examen permet de révéler la puissance optique à corriger sans que l’œil ne se fatigue trop.

Le port de lunettes de repos est le plus souvent temporaire, et permet un meilleur confort ainsi qu’un développement optimal de la vue dans l’enfance.

How to book an appointment

Appointment slots are open EVERY MONTH, on the 1st OPEN DAY of the month.

We strongly recommend that you make an appointment via THIS WEBSITE.

Your mobile phone may not be suitable for booking appointments, in which case you should use your computer.


For the first online appointment

  • Step 1: Confirm account registration by e-mail
  • Step 2: Confirm your appointment

If it is for a third person click on the + and enter the details

A LOT of appointments are not taken into account, so don't forget to confirm your registration by e-mail.

(By the way, you'll find your login and code there)

  • Book an appointment
  • Choose the correct reason for your visit

Please respect the reasons for your appointment and do not take someone else's place, otherwise we will have to cancel your appointment and block your access to Dr Sion's practice for good.

  • Select a date
  • Je suis un nouveau patient/ ou j’ai déjà un compte

(Pour la première prise de rendez vous, vous recevez un mail avec un code, à bien conserver pour une prochaine prise de rendez vous)

One appointment = one person 
If it's for another person, before confirming the appointment, click next to the man with a cross and fill in the patient's details.

  • Then ‘Confirm appointment’.
By telephone?
  • 010 56 00 02 then press 1 (an automatic machine will help you make an appointment), RECOMMENDED, available 24 HOURS a day
  • Press 2 to contact the secretary
  • Type 3 for information on the laser treatments available or the follow-up of patients who have undergone laser surgery so that they no longer wear glasses.

NB: The diary is open for a maximum of 4 months.

This means that everyone can get an appointment within a reasonable time.

If you can't find an available appointment, it's because there aren't any more spaces available at the moment!

Please try again later, or on the 1st working day of the following month.

Au centre?
  • We recommend that you try booking an appointment online first and then by telephone.

We are open from Monday to Friday by appointment.

The entire medical team will be delighted to welcome you for a consultation or for your next operation.