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La vision est trouble de loin comme de près. La cornée est amincie et déformée causant un astigmatisme irrégulier et une myopie. L’image se forme sur deux plans différents.

Keratoconus is classified into four stages, and its progression may ultimately lead to a corneal transplant.

L’objectif du traitement du kératocône est de régulariser l’astigmatisme et de corriger une partie de la myopie. Il permet également, lorsque le kératocône est avancé, de retarder la greffe de cornée, voir de supprimer cette chirurgie.

The two gold-standard techniques to date are intracorneal rings and Cross-Linking (CXL).

At stage 1, when the cornea is clear with myopia and astigmatism well corrected by glasses or contact lenses (most often soft or rigid), keratoconus can be treated with the Cross-Linking technique.

At stages 2 and 3, when the cornea is still clear but the astigmatism is too severe to be corrected with glasses (only rigid contact lenses allow for effective vision at these stages), keratoconus can be treated by placing intracorneal rings.

At stage 4, when vision can no longer be corrected with rigid lenses and the cornea shows opacities obstructing vision quality, a corneal transplant is necessary.